Recently, I have been invited to Japan by Hiroshi Isoyama Shihan in order to attend a special seminar with the Doshu to be held at the Iwama Dojo. I have accepted his invitation and will travel there with my wife June this coming September. I will certainly update all of you with a story about how it went with pictures and whatever I can get to share my experience.

However, before I go to Japan, I will be visiting my students in Brazil from September 1-12, 2011. I will be in Campos do Jordao for the 5th Encontro do Aikidoistas de Brazil hosted by my student Walmir Miranda. During the following week, I will then travel to Sao Paulo and teach at several of my students’ dojos located in Sao Paulo. On September 8, I will be travelling to Curitiba to train with my students from Shinryoku Dojo and hosted by my student Andre’ Nickel.

So through this blog, I will share my life with you as it happens and if you would like to talk about my past, present or future, I will do that within certain limits. So please post your questions and I will do my very best to help you understand my way…the Makoto way…a way where ordinary people are doing extraordinary things!